BPH-TURis Tecnology enucleazione vaporizzazione
Moderatore delle letture
Moderatore delle letture
Moderatore delle Sessione “How to improve functional outcome in robot-assisted radical prostatectomy”
Moderatore sessione “Robotic Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP)”
Relatore “Problemi urogenitali”
Provoker dalla sala operatoria
Relatore “Robotic surgery for cT3 Pca (Video)”
STEPS (Session to Evaluate Progress) esperto al Tavolo sul tumore della prostata
Moderatore sessioneThe best of uro-oncology in 2015
Relatore: Pelvic lymphadenectomy during minimallyinvasive radical prostatectomy in intermediate risk patients: adherence to nomogram indications in a multicenter cohort of patients
Moderatore Sessione: Video Prostatectomia radicale robotica
Operatore dalla sala operatoria: Prostatic urethral lift (UroLift)
Moderatore dalla Sala Operatoria: Nerve Sparing Robotic Radical Prostatectomy
Relatore: Techniques to Improve Urinary Continence Outcomes
Moderatore sessione: Tips and Tricks for Challenging Cases (Cases include Large Prostate, Median Lobe, Obese Patient, Penile Prosthesis, Prior Abdominal Surgery)