Diario Minzionale per Pazienti con incontinenza
Keeping a bladder diary, which records the amount of fluid introduced and the amount of urine expelled with each micturition, is something the urologist often asks the patient to do. This printable chart is helpful in making it easier for the patient to complete the diary.
Redigere un diario minzionale, indicando la quantità di liquidi introdotti e la quantità di urina emessa in ogni singola minzione, è una richiesta che viene spesso fatta al paziente da parte dell’Urologo. Questa tabella stampabile è utile a semplificare al paziente la compilazione del diario.
For proper evaluation, it is necessary to complete the urinary diary for at least 3 days, making sure to report every event over 24 hours, including nighttime urination. It is also necessary to report episodes of incontinence (spontaneous loss of urine) and urgency (feeling of inability to delay urination, forcing the patient to rush to the bathroom). A graduated container should be used to measure the amount of urine.